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Corporate Culture

The etymology of ARRK TAIWAN is inspired by the Biblical Noah’s Ark, where we are aspired to be the Ark that fosters the world’s industries and become their source of creativity. The second “R” in ARRK TAIWAN stands for Romanticism which not only symbolized our collective desire to be the builder of dreams, but also to keep our individual dreams alive in our own romantic way.

In the Chinese tradition, the world is government by the Five Elemental Forces, each having its own distinct quality. Only by properly utilizing the Five Forces can we create works of beauty and durability. In ARRK TAIWAN we infuse this profound knowledge into both our creation and our management.

Also in ARRK TAIWAN, we work hard and we play hard, because we believe this culture fosters both creativity and professionalism in our teams, who will in turn create customer value and trust. This is the culture, which provides the lasting foundation for ARRK TAIWAN’s continual growth.

Customers from all over the globe challenge ARRK TAIWAN with difficult tasks everyday. Even so, we undertake every assignment with same undying passion.
Each of ARRK TAIWAN’s teams is built on honesty and trust, which are the foundation of all our relationships.
Just like new shoots stemming from the tree trunk, innovation at ARRK TAIWAN drives continual growth and creates a breadth of assets that increase customer value.
The beauty and precision of our rapid prototyping is the culmination of our passion, trust and innovation, which are all necessary elements to achieve ARRK TAIWAN’s level of quality.
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